Value Proposition

Knowledgecoin is meant to address six major problems that are the root cause of the misinformation, propaganda, and uncertainty that exists in the world today.


Who has a reliable record of credibility for making valid truth claims and who has a history of false or invalid claims?

No Gatekeepers of Information

Is the raw data of the world wide web properly tagged and indexed by Big Tech so that you can find the data that you require without undue confusion, bias or censorship?


Consistent Definitions

Do we have a common, clear definition of any given concept, and, if not, how do I translate between the confusion of those who use the same words differently?

Valid Logic

Are the concepts used in a given truth claim or set of claims logically coherent or are they contradictory?

Valid Reasoning

Even if a truth claim is not itself contradictory, does it contradict any of our currently accepted knowledge, have the proper context, and engage properly with the evidence?

Immutable Repository

Does the knowledge repository have an indelible record of changes, so that no stealth edits can possibly occur in its edit history?


Knowledgecoin functions as an island where raw data arrives on the shore and is processed by various island industries until the final output is validated knowledge.


The foundational work for Knowledgecoin is termed Prometheus and consists of the preliminary work necessary to launch the endeavor.

Save The Knowledge

Save the world

2021 Q4

Position Paper

Team completes Position Paper and initial shaping of concept.
2022 Q1

White Paper

Team completes White Paper and sets program scope.
2022 Q2

MVP 1 Design

Team delivers first iteration of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
2022 Q4

Private Pre-Seed Funding

Knowledgecoin Private Pre-Seed Funding.

2022 Q4

MVP1 Delivery

Knowledgecoin Minimum Viable Product (MVP1) is delivered to beta users for testing and feedback.

2023 Q1

Version 1.0 Beta

The first full version of the Knowledgecoin Beta is released to the user community for testing.
2023 Q1

Version 1.0 Launch

Planning Pivot for AI Integration natively into the platform.

2024 Q3

Version 1.0 Launch

The full version of the Knowledgecoin 1.0 is launched to the user community.

Knowledgecoin: A Novel AI Community for the Validation of Ideas